The unknown dissolved in aqueous sodium hydroxide but not sodium bicarbonate. 1348 The compound is a weak acid. Peak near 4.7 ppm is exchangeable. Solvent is deuterochloroform. þȶ θʊ C F$z! # # The unknown has 4 aromatic H's, a methyl and an OH group. # dummy ms # # # # # No extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 Nitrogen, sulfur and halogens are absent. The compound burnt with a sooty flame. No residue remained. # The compound is aromatic or unsaturated and not a metal salt. 29-31 degrees. # A low melting solid. Melt 6788:;<===<:87654554333333568;>AMWbƿ}wtojgejw|}}xtt}nYPKHC>=>ADGLIFEBBA????@CDDCBABBA@@BAA@CBBB?<7444688840////-,+*)((&&&'()(*.,))*+)(),.-+**+,,1578:9878<@DEA>;10000.-+,-//0122459<>=851.-----.0379< <>;40./15:?CJYz˜`RLHDFHOZxxolllqv|¦quÿgnڜjZSHEMWnlK73>Qbn[J:3.*)/9KWI0#! !"##$*3=VtMIFA<98;DLYsު}lpY??@@BDFHIKMNOQSTUUWVZYbd[UVWV[]^sw_TUSSVW[\aknmyxzu 141922242729423153 The compound is a phenol and shows a 1,2-disubstituted benzene pattern. 190-193 degrees. # A moderately high boiling point liquid. Optically inactive. # The molecule is not chiral. Not usually measured for a solid. # Try this on a liquid. Not usually measured for a solid. # Do this on a liquid. # # # # # # # dummy cmr # # # # # # # # # # # No precipitate was formed. 2227282950 The compound is not an aldehyde or ketone. No reaction at room temperature but a rapid reaction occurred on warming. # No reaction between solids; on melting the reaction means an OH group. # # # # # # # # # No noticeable reaction occurred. 14 The unknown is not an ester. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # A reaction. An oily product was formed. # The unknown has an OH (alcohol or phenol) or NH (prim. or sec. amine) group. # # # No noticable reaction. # The unknown is not easily oxidised. No positive result. # The compound can not be easily oxidised. No colour change was observed. 232850 The unknown is not a carbohydrate. # # # A rapid reaction took place giving a gas which fumed in moist air. # A substitution reaction has occurred (HBr formed); typical of a phenol. No positive result. # The unknown is not an ether. A blue-red colour was formed. # This unknown is a phenol (or an enol). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # No positive result. # The compound is not a 1,2-diol. No apparent reaction. # The unknown is not a 1,2-diol. No visible change could be seen. # The compound is not a primary or secondary alcohol. ## Danger ## very rapid reaction. # The unknown contains oxygen or nitrogen. # # # # # # # # # No reaction was noticed. # This compound is not a low molecular weight aliphatic alcohol. Discharge of the reagent's colour was seen. # The compound could be unsaturated or a phenol. No reaction took place. # Absent are groups like esters, acetals, amides and nitriles. A reaction was observed which gave a liquid product. # There must be an OH (alcohol or phenol) or NH (prim. or sec. amine) group. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # colourless solid 01050738 0 656669747686 Solid m.p. 54-56 degrees. White solid m.p. 150-152 degrees. Crystals m.p. 92-94 degrees. Solid with m.p. 140-142 degrees. Crystals m.p. 136-139 degrees. Melting range 53 to 55 degrees. 3 ¥o ye ye solid phenol 4 2,4-dimethylphenol o-cresol p-cresol 2-methoxyphenol